Monday, January 4, 2010

A 'Natural born' country girl!-Happy Birthday Shayna!

In August 2009 we had a visit from some 'city' folk for the weekend. Jeny, whom I met online and have preached the benefits of 'real food' brought her brood and husband down for a visit. Her only daughter; Shayna who is 8 yrs old this Wednesday, January 6, 2010 (Happy Birthday Shayna!!) is a born natural when it comes to farming. My cows of course were nervous because they are not used to strangers handling them so of course held up but the kids were still able to learn to hand milk. Shayna took over the turkey feeding duties that weekend and scrounged all sorts of goodies for them. I even found her in their cage!! All the children got to try the hand milking, horseback riding and of course the mozzarella cheese stretching. A great time was had by all and we look forward to their return visit!

Shayna wrote this essay about her farm experience and I thought I would share it with you.

When I went to my mom's friend Charlotte's house, first I got to milk cows and they didn't like me really. Then we went to feed the turkeys and that was my favorite part because they were playing with me. They liked to peck the eggs on top of the fence when I rolled it to them. They are so cute and so nice to me. Finally we went to go for a horse ride, and that was so fun riding Cappy. He is so nice and so big! I love him and I miss him alot now.

We made some good food too. Charlotte showed us how to make cheese, and butter. It was so yummy, but it was hard work and it took a long time to make the cheese. You had to squeeze it and it made my hands tired. But it was really good. I brought some home for my family to taste. They liked it too.
I hope we can go see Charlotte again sometime. Gerard was nice to me too. And he let me and Tanner help him get the cows in the barn. We had to hold sticks to keep them in the fence.
It's hard work living on a farm. But I can't wait to go back and see all the animals and Charlotte. I love her.
The end.

By Shayna Eileen Jodon

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